Flowers / Decorations from Sugar/Decorations and Fondant | Nati Shop

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      Flowers / Decorations from Sugar/Decorations and Fondant (13)

      Set of 5 edible sugar decorations, Lucky clover leaves


      Edible sugar decoration, reddish-yellow leaf


      Edible sugar decoration, Red leaf twig


      Set of 8 edible sugar decorations, ear of wheat


      Set of 15 edible sugar decorations, Leaves


      Set of 3 edible sugar decorations, Tulip bouquet, bow and heart


      "Mystery Box" Package


      Edible sugar decoration, Dog-rose sprig


      Set of edible sugar decorations, Christmas Eve, Lioness


      Edible sugar decoration, Ivy Branch


      Edible sugar decoration, Ivy Branch


      Edible sugar decoration, golden twig with leaves


      Edible sugar decoration, Spring buds

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